Monday, June 15, 2009

I am devastated

I heard devastating news today... I feel so betrayed... I don't even know what to say...

My heart is broken...

I found out today, that the love of my life, that man who delivered news to me so perfectly and was, not only a pleasure to watch, but my soon to be husband.. Anderson Cooper.... is a homosexual...


I had NO idea! hahaahah Okay.. its sad that he is a homosexual.. but I feel so dumb for not knowing!! hahaah



Liz said...

today?? huh?? i thought you knew! lol.

Anonymous said...

It's not sad that he's gay -- it seems to make him happy, which is what we want for those we love, right? It doesn't stop you from loving him.

been there said...

I understand your disappointment, Anderson's quite a guy--I was a little upset when I found out too, but I'm still a fan and I like how he delivers the news. He's gorgeous to look at and there's no harm in looking even if you know the truth.

aprilmclean said...

Who is "been there"? Lol

David said...
