Thursday, December 4, 2008

Life Lesson

"It's a life lesson. You've got to maintain who YOU are despite what others, even your friends, are or are doing. Only allow the good influences and discard the rest."

One of the best bits of advice that I have ever gotten from a friend. And yes, it's something that I have yet to fully learn.

Why change who you are? Maintain who you are even if people, even your FRIENDS, are doing something different. If you have blond hair, blue eyes and weigh a certain weight, don't dye your hair, get contacts and lose weight to be like someone else. You are your own person and that's a wonderful thing.

Last night Pastor Steve gave a message and in the beginning he was talking about how we are uniquely made by the King and that we should, in no way, try and change that. I agree. I think this is a lesson that MOST teenage girls need to learn. Trying to change who you are to be someone you're not isn't the way to go. The Lord made you the way you are and you ARE beautiful!!! Not only that, but you are also creative, talented and gifted in ways that other's might not be. You have that to your advantage. Don't try to be talented in an area you're not so familiar with and ignore the things that you already know. If you are good at soccer, don't drop the sport that you are so advanced with and try to become a cheerleader. Stick with what you know and embrace what you have been blessed with. The Lord gave you what He did for a reason. I know that people say that all of the time, but it's true. If you have the gift of exhortation, then the Lord will be able to use you to exhort brothers and sisters in Christ. But if you don't have the gift of exhortation and you say "I want that gift" chances are, it won't be the Lord working through you, but you trying to FORCE that gift on yourself. But you can't FORCE a gift. It is given to you. I guess what I am trying to say is don't try to become something that you're not because the Lord wants to use YOU, not a cheap copy of someone else.

"You've got to maintain who YOU are despite what others, even your friends, are or are doing."


jessica's world said...

hey im kinda new, to this. i dont know how to but id like to follow your blog. i view your page and i cant see where to do it.

Kim said...

Good post:)

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."
Psalm 139:14