Sunday, October 12, 2008


I have been posting bulletins these last few days talking about a game I am playing. They aren't there to attract attention, or make people think. This IS MY blog and I posted them to get it off of my chest. But I am stopping the game. If I don't stop now, it will just keep going on and on until I win... but here's the thing, it's like one of those carnival games. It's fixed. It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to win. I am not going to spend anymore quarters trying to win the ultimate prize because it is a waste. I have a treasure and it is Jesus. My true ultimate prize is in heaven and it's already been won for me, through Jesus.



Liz said...

we need to have a coffee date so i can understand this =]

aprilmclean said...

We DEF need to have a coffee date but understanding this might come just a little later.. :D

Liz said...

ok! works for me!

David said...

This is almost one of the most confusing things ever

aprilmclean said...

Haha Good!! :)